Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reading as a hobby

                                                                                                                                                  "Reading make a full man" is a very popular statement among the people. But today reading has become a thing far away from many people with the technological development. People have addicted to watch TV or use computers, i phones etc.Although we can have entertain and can get many advantages through reading books, people do not care or think about that.
If we read a book we can have a good pleasure and also knowledge. I don't say that we can't get them through computer or else. But it has an unique way of making a person interesting in reading books.
We don't need electricity or any other power source to read a book. If we read a book, we can relax our mind. It may be a help to improve your imagination skill. So try to read a book at least per a week or two.  

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