Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reading as a hobby

                                                                                                                                                  "Reading make a full man" is a very popular statement among the people. But today reading has become a thing far away from many people with the technological development. People have addicted to watch TV or use computers, i phones etc.Although we can have entertain and can get many advantages through reading books, people do not care or think about that.
If we read a book we can have a good pleasure and also knowledge. I don't say that we can't get them through computer or else. But it has an unique way of making a person interesting in reading books.
We don't need electricity or any other power source to read a book. If we read a book, we can relax our mind. It may be a help to improve your imagination skill. So try to read a book at least per a week or two.  

Modern Medical Science

The practice of medicine is based on diagnosis and treatment. A hundred years ago, the physician felt the pulse and came to various conclusions about illness. He had only few instruments to diagnose a disease. Within the last hundred years, medical technology developed. This carries information about development of medical science.

New methods of viewing diseased structures inside the body improved diagnosis of disease beginning in 1970 s.

  • A Gamma Camera detects radioactive medication that attaches certain forms of cancer cells.

  • Computed tomography (CT) scanners use X- Rays to produce life like three dimensional images of body structures

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners produce highly detailed images without X- Rays.

  • X -Ray machine was invented by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895.

  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detects very early warning signs of disease.

  • The CAT scan machine was invented in 1973.

  • ECG machine was invented in 1975.

  • The Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen developed an ultraviolet ray lamp.