Sunday, March 8, 2015

Are women capable of doing everything men can do in there careers?

Some women claim that they have now entered into all avenues of employments and they have proved themselves capable of doing everything man can do. But is it true? Although women have entered many of avenues of employment, they have not proved themselves capable of doing everything man can do.

Actually, there are many tasks that a woman can't do as a man. As an example, engineering field, it will be hard for women when it comes to construction side. They may have to do some dangerous tasks and it may be hard to manage well. 
But speaking of the truth, women can endure hard work and stress than the men. But they are not capable to face difficulties and challenges in the way of a man. In my point of view, there are many opportunities that women can easily manage than a man. When we talk about teaching or something like that, it is better to be done by women, since they can handle and show the right path to the children in a better way. In order to keep reputation, it's not right to think that the women can do all things that men can do. In that case, we can see that there are somethings that women can do better and properly. But the thing is we consider and discuss here is whether the women can do everything a man can do. It may be true for when it comes to things in a house. Women are the people who do most of things at home and live the hardest life. But here we consider the working and employment areas.
So these facts prove that the thing is the women are not capable of doing everything man can do, although they have entered into almost all fields men are in. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Application Software

Application Software

These are packages that perform many different tasks and are called general-purpose software. Most user buy application packages, as they are ready-made software, because:
  • It is relatively cheaper
  • It is readily available and can be quickly and easily installed.
  • It has less chance of having serious problems as it is thoroughly tested.
Some of the popular software packages are :
  • Word processing packages
  • Spread sheet packages
  • Database management packages
  • Graphic packages
  • Desktop publishing packages
  • Communication packages
  • Web designing packages
  • Computer aided design packages
  • Data logging packages
  • Integrated packages
  • Presentation packages(using multimedia)

Word Processing Software

A word processing package is an application software package. It lets you create, edit, format, store, retrieve and print a text document. It has replaced the traditional typewriter because of its benefits.
The most common functions of word processing packages are font size, font style, bold, italic and underline, cut, copy and paste, tabulation, word-wrap, find and replace, line spacing, spell and grammar checkers, importing and exporting, justification and mail merging.
Examples of packages
  • Microsoft Word
  • Corel Word Perfect
  • Word Star
  • Open Office writer
  • King soft Office Writer
Common advantage of Word Processing packages are:
  • Editing and correction is easier
  • Spelling and grammar can be checked before taking the printout.
  • Neater output can be taken within a minimum time duration
  • Different formats and styles can be applied.
  • Documents can be stored for future use.
  • Multiple documents can be processed at the same time.
  • Documents can be transferred instantly anywhere in the world through electronic communication links.
  • Pictures, graphs, tables can be easily included alongside text.


Spreadsheet is an application software package designed to perform calculations. Since it uses different formulae and functions to manipulate numeric data we can use it for many applications involving accounts, statistics and mathematics.
A normal sheet of a spreadsheet package is divided into columns and rows to form a grid of cells.
Examples of packages
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Lotus 123
  • Apple VisiCalc
  • Open office Calc
  • GNOME desktop Gnumeric
The common features include using formulae, changing text alignment, borders and lines, inserting extra rows and columns, changing column width and row height, data formats like decimal, currency and date, sorting data, graphs and charts.
When you start the program you will see a blank grid of cells and you can enter data directly into these cells. The types of data that you enter into the cells can be of following types:
  • numbers
  • formulae - referencing
  • text
After this the user can obtain solutions to different calculations as well as charts, graphs and reports.
It coordinates like a map reference or a point on a graph, refers to each cell. Therefore it becomes a screen-based calculator.

Database Management Software

A database management package is an application software which allows databases to be created and customized to meet a user's exact needs. A database is a collection of organizes information that is vital to all business. This information is sorted in such a way that it is easy to find and is available whenever required.
You can replace your manual filing cabinet, using database software. Some of the advantages of using the database software are ease of maintenance, fast access, minimised data duplication, less storage etc.
Examples of packages :
  • Microsoft Access
  • Lotus Approach
  • Paradox
  • FoxPro
  • dBase III Plus
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
Features of a database package include storing data as files, records and fields, facilitating file operations such as searching, merging and updating, building queries and generating reports.
Database management software should include the following facilities :
  • Help the user to setup the database structure.
  • Enter and amend data.
  • Sort records by chosen fields.
  • Make calculations such as totals and average on numeric fields or data fields.
  • Restructure and re-organize the database without losing data.Create customized menu screens, reports and forms.
  • Write programs within the package so that screens and procedures can be adapted to the specific needs of the business.
  • Allow the user to print out information in report format. Most packages include report generator, which allows user to design report structures so that information can be represented on screen and printed.
  • Link files together using common fields.

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

This is an application software package. When you need to produce a newspaper, newsletter, magazine, card, broachers or a poster, you can use a DTP package. It provides the features of word processing as well as graphic packages. The software allows documents to be produced to a set layout. The text fits the format of the page.
Examples of packages :
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • PageMaker
  • Page Plus
Features are similar to those in a word processing package, such as applying bborders, character spacing, line spacing, design wizards and text columns.

Communication Software

Communication software is an application package. They are used in networks to send and receive data in the form of messages and files.
Examples of packages :
  • Windows Net Meeting
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Netscape Navigator
  • Microsoft Outlook Express
They should include the following facilities :
  • Automatic dialup and login facility
  • Automatic handling of incoming files and messages.
  • Allow you to set up functions to carry out a series of commands quickly.
  • Handle all the communication protocols, speeds etc.
  • Video conferencing
  • Telecommuting

Web Browsers

Web browsers are application software packages. In order to browse or surf the internet for information, a browser program is required. The most commonly used browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. These browsers use search engines which allow user to search for and retrieve information using keywords. There are many search engines scattered around the internet besides those used within the most common browsers.
Examples of packages :
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
Examples for search engines :
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Ask Jeeves
  • Bing
  • AltaVista
  • Lycos

Graphic Packages

They are application software packages that can be used to create and manipulate images on a computer. The images that are produced using these packages can be used in many different ways such as producing original artwork for other packages, producing characters and backgrounds for computer games, creating graphics for web sites and providing special effects for TV programs.
Examples for packages
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Corel Draw
  • Paint Brush
  • Serif Draw
Common features of a graphics package
  • Drawing straight lines and freehand lines
  • Drawing pre-defined shapes
  • Rotating, stretching, flipping objects
  • Editing images
  • Applying special effects to images
  • Colour palettes

Computer Aided Design Packages

Computer Aided Packages (CAD) packages are application software. They are used to display designs, accept any changes to them and calculate and display the results.
Examples of applications
  • Designing new cars
  • Bridge and building design testing
  • Designing kitchens
Examples of packages
  • 2D Design
  • AutoCAD
  • Turbo CAD
Making changes to a design require a large number of complex calculations. These need to be performed as quickly as possible so that their effect can be viewed straight away. A powerful processor is required for this. A CAD system also needs a high-resolutions monitor so that the designer can see close-up detail on the screen.
Advantages of using CAD system rather than producing designs by hand are :
  • Changes to design can be made quickly and their effects seen immediately.
  • Designs can be viewed in 3D.
  • Designs can be tested without the need to build expensive models.
  • Drawings of standard parts can be stored in the disks, then retrieved when needed.
  • Designs can be instantly sent anywhere through electronic communications

Web Design Packages

They are software application packages. These are created using Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) which is a fairly simple computer programming language, that tells web browsers how to display information. Computer users who have no knowledge of HTML can use web design packages to produce individual web pages or complete web sites.
These packages allow pages to be designed in the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) environment very similar to that offered by word processing and DTP software to produce printed documents. Once the design process is complete, web design packages automatically convert pages into equivalent HTML code so that they can be viewed on the internet using web browsing software.
Examples for software
  • MS FrontPage
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver
  • Joomla

Features of web designing packages

  • Use of hyperlinks - to navigate around web pages. A hyperlink is a piece of text or a graphic that contains the address of another location specified in its address. A text hyperlink is normally identified by a distinctive colour, which changes after it has been clicked.
  • Hot spots - is an area on an object that contains a hyperlink. An object can contain many hot spots. When a user clicks on a hot spot, they are taken to the location specified in its hyperlink.
  • Tables - can be used to organize and represent information on a web page. A table consists of rows and columns of cells, which can be filled with text, colour or graphics.
  • Importing text and graphics - text and graphics can be imported, placed on a page and manipulated. Some packages allow for text and graphics to be animated.
  • Page navigation - The structure of a web site can be changed so that its pages can be organized in an orderly manner.

Data logging Packages

These are application software packages that will allow data to be logged in and stored. Data logging software enables for the automatic recording of data, over a certain period of time. Sensors are used to monitor physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, humidity, pH, sound, proximity, position etc. The readings or values are logged into computers through the hardware interface to make the signals compatible.
Examples for packages
  • LogIT Lab
  • Insight 2

Features of data logging software

  • Readings can be taken at logging intervals.
  • Readings can be logged over a certain time period.
  • Logging of more than one physical property at the same time is possible.
  • At the time data is being logged, the output can be viewed in the monitor.
  • Easy analysis and reporting of data.
  • Easy transfer of logged values to other packages.

Application of data logging software

  • Weather satellites - transmit pictures as coded radio signals, which are picked up with a satellite dish on the Earth and decoded and displayed on the screen.
  • Green houses - The temperature and humidity values in the air are logged into the computers.
  • Braking systems in cars - new cars are fitted with braking systems called ABS (Antilock Brake System) where sensors are used to detect the rotational speed of each wheel. When brakes are applied, it is relayed to a computer. (locking of wheels during braking causes the car to go out of control)
  • Traffic control systems - sensors detect the frequency of vehicles on either side of a junction and input into a computer

Presentation packages and Multimedia

Presentation packages are application software usually used with multimedia. These packages are used to prepare presentations with added clip arts, graphs, animation and sound. It is even used to printout slides for documentation or to be given to the audience.
Examples for packages
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Lotus Freelance


We can use the computer to get text and graphics with sound and motion, including video, audio, animations and photographs. This is known as multimedia. You can use the mouse or the keyboard to interact with the software and give presentations. To have multimedia, the computer system should have a CDROM drive, a sound card, high-resolution monitor and speakers. A CDROM drive is a must because without the technology of CDROM the multimedia would be impossible. This is due to the large capacity needed for photographs, animation and video clips.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reading as a hobby

                                                                                                                                                  "Reading make a full man" is a very popular statement among the people. But today reading has become a thing far away from many people with the technological development. People have addicted to watch TV or use computers, i phones etc.Although we can have entertain and can get many advantages through reading books, people do not care or think about that.
If we read a book we can have a good pleasure and also knowledge. I don't say that we can't get them through computer or else. But it has an unique way of making a person interesting in reading books.
We don't need electricity or any other power source to read a book. If we read a book, we can relax our mind. It may be a help to improve your imagination skill. So try to read a book at least per a week or two.  

Modern Medical Science

The practice of medicine is based on diagnosis and treatment. A hundred years ago, the physician felt the pulse and came to various conclusions about illness. He had only few instruments to diagnose a disease. Within the last hundred years, medical technology developed. This carries information about development of medical science.

New methods of viewing diseased structures inside the body improved diagnosis of disease beginning in 1970 s.

  • A Gamma Camera detects radioactive medication that attaches certain forms of cancer cells.

  • Computed tomography (CT) scanners use X- Rays to produce life like three dimensional images of body structures

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners produce highly detailed images without X- Rays.

  • X -Ray machine was invented by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895.

  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detects very early warning signs of disease.

  • The CAT scan machine was invented in 1973.

  • ECG machine was invented in 1975.

  • The Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen developed an ultraviolet ray lamp.