Sunday, March 8, 2015

Are women capable of doing everything men can do in there careers?

Some women claim that they have now entered into all avenues of employments and they have proved themselves capable of doing everything man can do. But is it true? Although women have entered many of avenues of employment, they have not proved themselves capable of doing everything man can do.

Actually, there are many tasks that a woman can't do as a man. As an example, engineering field, it will be hard for women when it comes to construction side. They may have to do some dangerous tasks and it may be hard to manage well. 
But speaking of the truth, women can endure hard work and stress than the men. But they are not capable to face difficulties and challenges in the way of a man. In my point of view, there are many opportunities that women can easily manage than a man. When we talk about teaching or something like that, it is better to be done by women, since they can handle and show the right path to the children in a better way. In order to keep reputation, it's not right to think that the women can do all things that men can do. In that case, we can see that there are somethings that women can do better and properly. But the thing is we consider and discuss here is whether the women can do everything a man can do. It may be true for when it comes to things in a house. Women are the people who do most of things at home and live the hardest life. But here we consider the working and employment areas.
So these facts prove that the thing is the women are not capable of doing everything man can do, although they have entered into almost all fields men are in.